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2024-07-17 17:57

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  • Time: 2024-07-17 17:57:44.000

    File size: 65.5MB

  • Time: 2024-07-17 17:57:44.000

    File size: 96.2MB

  • Time: 2024-07-17 17:57:44.000

    File size: 65.9MB

  • Time: 2024-07-17 17:57:44.000

    File size: 96.3MB

  • Time: 2024-07-17 17:57:44.000

    File size: 27.4MB

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GE1000 Editor Software Requires
PC: Win10 or higher
Mac: Mac 10.13 or higher


 GE1000 V2.5.0 Update Log:

V2.5.0  2024.7

GE1000 Firmware (Function Additions)

Added ‘Sub Patch’function; (Due to this addition, the footswitches in the CTRL function have to be rearranged, therefore the ‘Bank Down’ footswitch is not longer a STOMPBOX function footswitch.)

2. Added four new OD models: ROD881, RED AT, ODR1, BE OD;

3. Added ten bass preamp models and ten bass cabinet simulator models;

4. Added a Harmony effect model;

5. Added seven AI EQ types;

6. Added parameter settings for the volume pedal and enabled to place the volume pedal pre/post.


GE1000 Firmware (Bug Fixes)

1. Optimized input signal delay issues;

2. Optimized expression pedal latency issues;

3. Fixed issue with volume knob not being read at startup;

4. Modified and optimized various bugs.


Editor Software

1. Completed the Chinese portion of the entire interfaces;

2. Optimized some UI interfaces, added dual-color indicators in the preset bar and effect model list bar;

3. Added logic to directly load GNR and GIR files in the GNR and GIR lists;

4. Modified and optimized various bugs.



1. Added LIKE feature for preset patch;

2. Added leaderboard feature;

3. Refined preset file classification.